Gordon Van Owen


Local: 2338 NW 38th Blvd. #305 32605 � Phone: (407) 375-7106 � E-mail: Iamgrdn@gmail.com




����������� Master of Arts, Mass Communications, Minor: Urban and Regional Planning

Expected: May 2008

����������� University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

����������� Thesis: Urbanization and the Media


How does the urbanization of American cities influence local mass media, specifically newspapers, and how have those media organizations reacted to that growth?


Cities around the United States have experienced unprecedented growth in both population and urban sprawl, specifically in the southern in western parts of the country, during the last century. Cities in these regions have grown from small towns and hamlets into large metropolitan areas at such a rapid rate that they have been forced to deal with numerous growth issues. With the rise of population, the competitive newspaper industry has given way to the notion of one-newspaper cities with coverage dominated by the one media source. The purpose of this research is to understand the influence of this rapid growth on media organizations (newspapers, magazines and advertising within), and to evaluate the use of local news coverage and advertising and to better understand the rise of community newspapers in these areas.


����������� Bachelor of Science, Journalism, May 2006

����������� University of Florida, Gainesville, FL


����������� Bachelor of Arts, English; Minor: Modern British History, May 2006

����������� University of Florida, Gainesville, FL


Foreign Study:


����������� Lecture Series, 20th Century British History and Literature, Summer 2003

����������� University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England

Essay Topics: Urbanization and Development of the City of Cambridge, and Existentialism and Religion in Beckett�s Waiting for Godot.


Research Interests:


����������� Urbanization and its influences on local media

����������� Growth trends and their impacts on the media

����������� Literary Journalism

����������� Representation of 9-11 in the media

����������� Southern identity and its representation in the media


Teaching Experience:


����������� Lab Instructor

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

College of Journalism and Communications, 2006-Present

MMC 2100, Writing for Mass Communication, the course is required for all advertising, journalism and public relations majors and typically enrolls 260-340 students per semester.

The lab portion of the course met three-hours per week and includes 20 students per lab. Each week students are required to write assignments on deadline, that include news stories, press releases and advertisements.


����������� Substitute Teacher

����������� Pine Castle Christian Academy, Orlando, FL

Middle and High Schools 2003-2006

Taught middle and high school students in the areas of English, grammar, composition, history, mathematics and guidance, and provided lecture materials and supervised group activities and class readings.


Research Experience:


����������� Research Assistant

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

����������� College of Journalism and Communications, 2005-2006

Assisted Journalism Department Chair William McKeen in gathering biographical information on literary journalist Hunter S. Thompson for McKeen upcoming biography on the author. Specialized in Thompson�s life and activities during the 1980s.




����������� Non-Local Presentations:


Journalism in College: What to Expect,� presented at the Florida Scholastic Press Association, �Changing Faces, Unchanging Truths,� Tampa, FL Summer 2006


�Applying Journalism Experience in College,� presented at the Florida Scholastic Press Association, �Changing Faces, Unchanging Truths,� Tampa, FL Summer 2006


Local Presentations:


�Copy Writing and Editing� Series, presented to Gainesville High School journalism students and newspaper classes, Gainesville, FL 2004-2005


�Copy Writing and Editing� Series, presented to Buccholz High School journalism students and newspaper classes, Gainesville, FL 2005-2006


Survivor Workshop: �Surviving College,� presented to students at the University of Florida�s College of Journalism and Communications, Gainesville FL, Spring 2005


Survivor Workshop: �Making the Best of Your College Experience,� presented to students at the University of Florida�s College of Journalism and Communications, Gainesville, FL Fall 2005


Survivor Workshop: �Plan Ahead, Finding an Internship in Your Field,� presented to students at the University of Florida�s College of Journalism and Communications, Gainesville, FL Spring 2006




����������� Office of Admission, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 2002-Present

����������� Student Assistant and Graduate Student Supervisor

Processed Applications and prepped applications for review. Welcomed over 26,000 visitors and guests to the University of Florida. Supervised 10-15 undergraduate student employees and coordinated university�s Campus Call program and student blogs.


Freelance Editor, The Independent Florida Alligator, FL 2006-Present

Supervised submissions from freelance writers and coordinated over 50 stringers for the largest college newspaper in the country. Worked closely with the editorial staff to determine each day�s budget sheets. Edited submissions from contributing writers.


����������� Freelance Writer, the Gainesville Sun, Gainesville, FL 2005-2006

����������� Features/Daybreak Sections

����������� Wrote articles on community issues and trends.


News/Features Reporter, the High Springs Herald, High Springs, FL 2005

����������� News and Features Sections

Wrote articles on local events and breaking news. Covered city council meetings and other political events.


����������� Editor in Chief, the Tower Yearbook, Gainesville, FL 2003-2004

����������� Edited all 476 pages of the University of Florida�s official yearbook. Managed a staff of 20 and ����������� coordinated layouts and content of eight sections.


Professional Memberships:


����������� Journalism and Communications Ambassadors

����������� Pathfinder Chair (2004-2005), Vice President (2005-2006)

The primary purpose of the Journalism and Communications Ambassadors is to serve and represent the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications by assisting with academic and professional guidance, promoting high standards of excellence in the college and facilitating interaction between students and the surrounding local community. As Pathfinder Chair I coordinated the group�s mentoring program within the college by pairing ambassadors with lower division students. As Vice President I oversaw the organizations various committees, including Pathfinders, high school mentoring, professional mentors, Survivor Workshop, etc.


Journalism and Communications College Council

President (2005-2006)

Governing body of student groups within the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications. Oversaw a budget for 15 organizations within the college and planned programming geared towards professional development and computer skills. Coordinated JCCC Week, an event where upper division students and professors taught breakout sessions on various computer programs used in the communications field.


����������� Society of Professional Journalists


Florida Blue Key

Florida�s most prestigious leadership honorary. Membership requires peer review, interview and extensive commitment to the University of Florida community.


Awards/ Recognitions:


����������� AEJMC High School Outreach Award

Award to the Journalism and Communications Ambassadors while I served as vice president of the organization.


Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity

George W. Woolery Scholar; awarded to an active member majoring in communications.

T.J. Schmitz Scholar; awarded to an active member who has shown leadership within the chapter, on campus or in the community.

Top TKE Award 2006; awarded to five members out of the 10,000 active members nationwide.


Phi Theta Sigma Honor Society


National Society of Collegiate Scholars